Saturday, July 29, 2006

Kelly Clarkson Concert

Veronica went to the Kelly Clarkson concert 7/25 here in Indy. As you can see from the pictures, she had a blast. The blue stuff in some of the pictures is confetti. Originally, they were going to sit on the lawn, but Deb was able to upgrade the tickets so they could sit in the pavillion.

Veronica had no clue she was going. Deb told her they were on their way to a Girl Scout outing. It was Danielle, Veronica's friend in some of the pictures, that figured it out. "Wait! Is today July 25th? We're at the Kelly Clarkson concert!" And the hysterics began. Yep, they ARE excited! Kelly Clarkson, I am told, puts on a terrific show. Opening act was a group called Rooney. Deb said they were good too.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Deb's Montanna trip

Debie made a trip to Montanna June 1 to see her cousin graduate from high school. It's beautiful up there. Here's the pictures.