Sunday, March 05, 2006

Deb's surprise party.

We pulled it off! Deb's surprise party was a success! Let me start by sharing my HUGE, HUMONGOUS thanks to Cherie and Latrice for their hours of planning and coordinating to make this happen. To CC and Cooper - thank you for rounding up the video greetings from the folks in the Bay Area. You guys rock! You'll see from the pictures that this was effort well spent. Also, huge thanks to our friends who made time to come and make the moment what it was. Debie will do a separate post later, from her own computer (her brand new laptop), and share her thanks.

Pictures are here.

Video of Mimi and Poppy's greeting is here. (You need Quick Time, might need to register, I did)
There was another video, from Deb's family in the Bay Area. It won't post. I'll keep working on that. It might be a later post.

The most memorable moments were: 1) The video from Deb's grandparents. 2) Tom's wish for Debie during the candle ceremony. 3) The scrapbook. Cherie and Latrice did a great job compiling this from the photos Deb's Mom sent from Reno (wish the Reno clan could have been here!)

Here's a quick summary of the day. I took Deb out for coffee early. We ran a couple of errands, like a normal Saturday morning, until I detoured us to the Spa. Latrice and Cherie met us there, where we yelled "surprise!" the first time. We left Deb at the Spa for the morning while we all did our thing to get the party ready. At 3pm we picked Megan up from work and broght Deb home to a house full of lovely friends and family, who yelled "surprise" for a second time, and made the day what it was. Again, a big thank you to all for making this such a great event.

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