Saturday, March 11, 2006

More news from this front

Okay, I said I would post some more later - well, it's later. So, most of you know that I have been sick: I am better now. It was a doozie; had me in bed for 3 days straight. I hope none of you get this. I am still sitting back in wonder at how you all managed to "get" me. I have had time to reflect on all the goings on over the past week, and I just want to thank you all, once again. You see, I have learned a lesson through all of this. I truly am a control freak, and I apologize for that. What's worse is that I never really realized that I was, I just saw myself as "motherly". The 'aha' moment has come to me. So, I thank you. I hope that somehow I can find the art of relaxation on a daily basis. Perhaps I will have more years added to my life with its success. Also, just to keep you all informed - Megan is having her tonsils removed on the 27th (she'll never look at her uncle's birthday the same again). She has had a lot of trouble with uvulitis and sore throats for a long time, so I am happy that this is finally happening. Veronica is a bit under the weather today. She has all the symptoms of the flu I had, so we are trying to head it off with lots of rest this weekend. The other "children" are presently sleeping with us in our room. Mr. Champion has really made himself right at home. He is a burrowing dog (he likes to root under the covers and hide when he sleeps). Ms. Pepper just likes being on the bed. Missy is, as always, never far from her quarters/safety from the dogs. Welcome to our funny farm. Until next time ~ hugs for all!

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